The Refractive Thinker®: Volume II: Research Methodology

The Lentz Leadership Institute LLC presents this collection of the works of nine scholarly authors with a focus on doctoral research methodology


The title of this book, The Refractive Thinker was chosen intentionally to highlight the ability of these doctoral scholars to bend thought, to converge its very essence on the ability to obliquely pass through the perspective of another. The goal is to ask and ponder the right questions; to dare to think differently, to find new applications within unique and cutting edge dimensions, ultimately to lead where others may follow or to risk forging perhaps a new path entirely. The Lentz Leadership Institute presents this collection of the works of nine scholarly authors with a focus on doctoral research methodology to include topics such as: Part I: The Delphi Primer (Dr. Elmer Hall), The Delphi Epiphany (Dr. Edward Knab), and The Delphi Conundrum (Dr. Cheryl Lentz); Mixed Methods: Stages of Internet Adoption in Preventive Health (Dr. Diane Cortner); Part III: Qualitative: The Phenomenological Research Method as a Valid Human Sciences Research Tool into the Investigation of Human Behavior (Dr. Barbara Turner), A Qualitative, Ethnographic Review of Teachers and Administrators Perceptions of a Prescribed Writing Program (Dr. Neysa T. Sensenig), and Exploring Consumer Perceptions of Global Branding and Iconization (Dr. Gail Ferreira); Part IV: Quantitative: Use of Spearman’s Rank Correlation to Determine Pilot Survey Validity for Doctoral Dissertation on Workplace Bullying (Dr. Judy Blando), and Part V: Research as Art: The Elements of the Gaze: Building Internal Coherence in Research Design (Dr. Linda Wing). The Foreword is written by Dr. Jody L. Sandwisch and Stuart Bailey.